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Posted: June 11th, 2010, 6:04 pm
by dhorstman
Only a week now!

Here is what I'm thinking of bringing…

The Gray City
Ever since I read China Mieville's Perdido Street Station the mood that the novel set made me want to play there. Not so much there specifically in Mieville's world, but the same sort of place with the same sort of feel. I'm talking about a place that like Perdido Street, is the same unholy offspring of Naked Lunch, Neuromancer and Animal Farm.

The Gray City is an attempt to get there. The sessions start with a short group setting development session, followed by a fairly quick chargen, then onto play. I'm using a homebrew system that I'm kinda liking a lot.

Super Zombie Vampire Apocalypse
Supers at the end of the world zombie apocalypse…what's not to like. Oh, and vampires! I have pre-gens or we can do quick chargen with Truth & Justice (PDQ)…

1099A.D. The Knights of St. Lazarus
During the first Crusades the order of St. Lazarus was composed of knights who had contracted leprosy. Take some magic (a side effect of having contracted leprosy) -- a group of knights, all with secrets and Reign/ORE and your off and running. (NOTE: I'm a little shaky with this system -- even though I've run this scenario with ORE before -- so anyone comfortable with ORE who'd like to play, I'd appreciate the game power!)

I'll also bring & be ready to run on the fly…
  • The Fantasy Trip (I've been playing & running that system for 30 years -- yikes! I know Chris B. is also throwin' down some TFT…and I'd love to play too.)
  • PDQ (Truth & Justice, Jaws of the Six Serpents/S&S or Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies -- I've run a cool Firefly with S7S that I'll also bring -- and I've been toying with using PDQ/T&J for an Exalted deal…)
  • FATE, FATE, FATE! (We'll think of something…Dresden, SOTC, Diaspora, Other?)
  • Mouse Guard
  • I'd like to try running A Dirty World
  • Maybe just something an enthusiastic, creative table of gamers might "gin-up" on the spot…

Oh, and I'll play just about anything too. And I know there's going to be some great play being laid down, so you can't miss either way!
