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SAT-03 Penny for Your Thoughts

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 10:21 pm
by David Dunn
This was a phenomenal game. Everyone at the table rocked out, every story was incredibly compelling. We all turned out to be very bad people, but our stories were great. I'd game with any of you again.

Re: SAT-03 Penny for Your Thoughts

Posted: June 28th, 2010, 11:19 am
by kscott
This was probably the defining game of my GPNW. It was compelling enough that we played beyond the slot, over the two hours for dinner, and it was totally worth it.

The opening scenes were touchingly sweet in a way that communicated that we were all mature enough to go to vulnerable places, and then the following scenes took that vulnerability for all it was worth. It was exhausting and cathartic, which is the sort of gaming experience that I wouldn't have said beforehand I enjoyed.

Yes, they were very, very bad people. And yet, the one who seemed the worst initially ended up being the most mundane sort of terrible person. The others were just that bad! I really enjoyed the way the characters' stories unfolded and went in unpredictable yet consistent directions.

Thanks to Wilson for bringing the book and facilitating. I'd overlooked the game before and now I really must get a copy for my library (and to bring to GPNW 2011).