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SAT-04 8pm Pick up Danger Sxool

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 1:25 am
by klewis
I only got to play in 2 games, but they both were awesome games. My favorite character came from a super hero Mouse Guard hack. I wish I could remember the name of the guy did it, but I am terrible with the names of real people. The conceit of the game was that we were all super powered teenagers attending Danger Sxool. Some of us against our will. So we had a four man team of young supers in a danger room scenario that went completely haywire. We had Red Shift, user of shapeable force fields and team leader, Armadillo, all around good guy with armored skin, Hostile Takeover, telepath in a business suit, and my character Hexen, a demon princess of shadows. It was an amazingly fun game, full of unexpected awesome.