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SAT-01 Geiger Counter: The Hotel California

Posted: June 25th, 2010, 4:51 pm
by ping

The Hotel California is a virtual place where your mind goes when your body is sick or dying and waiting for a cure. It's utopia until the "system" starts to kill the guests.

Thanks to everyone who played. Our setting was possibly too ambitious for a 4 hour (EDIT 3 hour) morning con slot. GC has a long set up which I think is critical to the game. However, that and a non-traditional setting that needs lots of backstory and sci-fi explanation doesn't leave a lot of time for playing. I would recommend something more straightforward for the time and for the morning fuzzies. Nevertheless, we went for it and here's the map.


Re: SAT-01 Geiger Counter: The Hotel California

Posted: June 25th, 2010, 7:32 pm
by nemomeme
Thanks for facilitating this, Ping. I like Geiger Counter's potential and I know you've had experience in playing it to a satisfying conclusion in a relatively short span (I think was actually a 3 hour slot and we didn't get started until 9:15 after the pick-up throwdown), but I'm more and more convinced that I need to start with a pitch and a style-sheet to pull this off at a con. This was my fourth game and each has been rushed or unfinished. I'm looking forward to seeing the Gamma rules and hope they are long on ideas for getting rolling quickly and keeping things moving. We had some nice things started with Nate, Flora, Sarah and some of the others. I'll have to remain curious who might have made it.

David and Kingston - it was a pleasure playing with the two of you for the first time. I hope we can play something together at a more leisurely pace somewhere down the road. If I seemed impatient or too quick to frame and/or throw in my own ideas it came from my concerns about our time constraints - not because I didn't absolutely love what you guys were bringing to the game. I want to see a virtual reality survival horror movie done right - that was a great seed in a different context.