SAT-02 IMPS - A Skuldugerous Adventure (2-5 plyrs)

Planning games for particular slots
Joined:June 8th, 2010, 3:09 pm
Name:Ryan D
SAT-02 IMPS - A Skuldugerous Adventure (2-5 plyrs)

Post by toolhead » June 29th, 2011, 1:45 pm

Hello GoPlayers,
Come forth and play after lunch with this easy going game.

The Setup
You are an Imp, summoned forth from the torturous pits of the Great Below to do the bidding of the High Lord of the Underworld. His dungeon lair is in constant need of sinister trap replacement and evil monster wrangling. These things are needed to keep mighty hero warriors from pillaging the vast wealth secreted within.

The High Lord’s plans do not always unfold in the ways he desires and he knows exactly who to blame for that. You!

Sit down, laugh and get your Imp into a whole lot of trouble (and pain). This is a very light-hearted RPG written by myself and the infamous John Harper (inspired by Minions by Brandon Amancio and Vincent Baker's Apocalypse World).

See you soon.

Joined:April 26th, 2010, 7:12 pm
Name:Brendan Adkins

Re: SAT-02 IMPS - A Skuldugerous Adventure (2-5 plyrs)

Post by Brendan » June 29th, 2011, 1:54 pm

I'm already on the waiting list for another game in SAT-02, but this sounds great!


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