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Re: FRI-01 Pickup Game GM Count

Posted: June 17th, 2010, 2:38 pm
by John Powell
Ready to run Icons.

Re: FRI-01 Pickup Game GM Count

Posted: June 17th, 2010, 6:35 pm
by zornwil
Hi, I'm not sure of the best way to respond to these, and clearly this is a last-minute response so not sure you're getting these in time anyway, but basically I'll be open to run throughout if people need a game that I can run, I'm not committed to any scheduled game and enjoy running. I realize the point was not to say "here's the game I want to run," but I will say that here's games I will be capable of running (meaning I will have materials and know the systems): PrimeTime Adventures, Don't Rest Your Head (I "specialize" in running a more small town/rural version, if anyone cares), a game of my own in beta/near-done which is basically about Big Characters with Big Issues, Dogs in the Vineyard (I am prepared to play 2 settings rather than the book one, Corporate Dogs and French Terror Dogs), and A Penny For Your Thoughts (but re that I am only a tad experienced).

I'm going to end up putting these in each time slot as I'm open for each and I believe that's how this was requested, though the message is identical, please pardon if I should have done it differently.