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Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 12th, 2014, 4:02 pm
by Shooo
Here's the idea: Make a mix CD with as many songs as you want, but each song must correspond with a RPG that you feel is appropriate. Select a song based on the particular tone, mood, or subject matter that a game invokes for you. Some games have a lot of nuances and themes. You can choose whichever one you want to highlight. You can even choose one game and select all your songs based on that game. Sometime during Go Play (probably Saturday), everyone who made a mix drops theirs into a bag and randomly picks out a different mix to keep.

If enough people are interested (basically anyone besides just me), I'll set up some more detailed rules on this thread.

Reply if you want to participate!

Re: Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 10:08 am
by Shooo
Okay, some people have contacted me directly about participating. Here are more details:

The Rules:

1. Make a mix CD with songs that you feel inspires you about different games. A whole CD that's dedicated to one game is fine too. You can go as literal or subtle as you want. Instrumental songs are totally welcome -- this mix is all about exploring different moods! (Example songs and games: Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran for Monsterhearts by Avery Mcdaldno / Pale Blue Eyes by The Velvet Underground for Shooting The Moon by Emily Care Boss)

2. Each song title, artist, game inspiration, and game author must be labeled somewhere on the mix cd or its packaging. They can be handwritten or typed based on your discretion of legibility.

3. Decorate your mix! It can be a drawing, large scrawly type, or just a color. You can decorate the packaging or the cd itself or both. You may also leave a little note for the person that picks your cd for an extra personal touch.

4. Drop your mix no later than noon on Saturday in a soon-to-be-designated spot and pick another mix to listen to. If you make more than one mix, you can take additional ones. Limit to three mixes per person.

USB Flash Drive Option:
You can use a thumb drive if you don't have a CD burner. Make sure you label the song files in the order that you want them to be played and try to keep the length to what a CD can hold. Thumb drive mixes should include a text document with the above song and game information. You still have to decorate your mix. You can decorate the drive itself (glue or stickers will be your best friends here) or place it in a small envelope and embellish it to your heart's desire.

Include your email address if you want to invite the other person to discuss your picks with you. No pressure on either side for contact though. Treat people like people and don't harass others if they haven't contacted you about how awesome your mix is. You know it's awesome and you participated in something fun, so hooray!

Questions? Concerns? Let me know!

Re: Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 12:03 pm
by tonydowler
I'm pretty interested in this! I can't make any promises based on the time I have available, but I'll try to put a mix together between now and Go Play.

Re: Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 11:34 pm
by Philip
Well, it turns out I'll be participating, as I remembered I already have a playlist I made as the basis for a dungeon by Tony Dowler. I might try to come up with an alternate mix too.

Re: Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 14th, 2014, 1:51 pm
by Shooo
So excited! Hope to see both of your mixes in a couple weeks. :D

Re: Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 9:46 pm
by eddi
I'm in!

Thanks for thinking of this!

Re: Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 16th, 2014, 6:49 pm
by tonydowler
got my mix made!

Re: Soundtrack to RPGs (Mix-CD Exchange)

Posted: June 25th, 2014, 2:16 pm
by Shooo
Great! I'll bring a clearly labeled bag for the RPG mixes a little before the SAT 01 session at one of the main tables with sign up sheets and games. Drop your mix(es) in and we'll shuffle and exchange at 12:45pm. If you miss the draw time, drop your mix and grab another from the bag. I'll leave the bag through the end of Saturday. All unclaimed mixes by Sunday will be mine to take and enjoy selfishly forever. :D

Thanks in advance for participating and looking forward to seeing you all soon!