Pictionary and Telestrations meet Magic: The Gathering in...
Draw the world's greatest comics…in five minutes at a time! MANGAKA is a fast-paced card game for artists and storytellers where every round involves drawing cards and drawing comics. Choose from over 150 Themes, from Mecha to Cooking, to determine the subject of your manga! Use Fortune cards to change the game's rules and thwart your foes! Avoid Impairments, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Alcoholism and Poor Hygiene! Compete with your fellow players to tell the greatest manga stories imaginable, even if you can't even draw a stick figure!
* Pens, paper and cards provided.
* This isn't a RPG, it's a tabletop drawing/card game, but it does have 'personalization' elements that can be used to roleplay if you want.
* Of course you don't actually have to draw "manga-style" -- manga is just the flavor/theme of the game.
* For that matter, there's really no drawing ability required at all -- speed, clever rules-bending and the desire to ruthlessly crush your enemies matters much more than technical skill.
* As a comic artist and gamer, I've been developing this game for 3 years. Please come and check it out in the last timeslot of the convention!
* The game is intended for 4 players, but can be played with up to 8 players in 2-person teams.
PLAYER #1: Tony Dowler
PLAYER #2: D Drake
PLAYER #3: ????????
PLAYER #4: ????????
PLAYER #5: ????????
PLAYER #6: ????????
PLAYER #7: ????????
PLAYER #8: ????????
SUN-03 Mangaka!! The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics
- Posts:5
- Joined:April 23rd, 2014, 5:09 pm
- Name:Jason Bradley Thompson
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Last edited by mockman on June 21st, 2014, 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
- tonydowler
- Posts:263
- Joined:April 20th, 2010, 4:56 pm
Re: SUN-03 Mangaka!! The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comi
Absolutely count me in!
- Posts:9
- Joined:June 8th, 2010, 10:02 pm
- Name:D Drake
Re: SUN-03 Mangaka!! The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comi
I'm in. Looks in interesting.
- Posts:4
- Joined:June 27th, 2014, 11:04 am
- Name:Myra
Re: SUN-03 Mangaka!! The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comi
I'm in!! Nullthread/Myra