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SAT-01 Red Crook, Part 1: Lost in Bosnia (6 Slots Left)

Posted: June 21st, 2014, 1:13 pm
by leejk_sun
On April 15, 1995, Serbian forces take 150 people hostage in retaliation for an airstrike ordered by UNPROFOR. On the same day the psychic operative named the "Red Crook", the head of the Psychic Intelligence Branch in Eastern Europe, goes dark and is AWOL for twenty-four hours.

On hour twenty-seven, you and your team step out of an Aether Portal and into the most devastating European conflict since World War Two. You are getting paid to do just one thing: find the Red Crook in the horrifying reality of a new Bosnian state.

Lost in Bosnia is the first part of a two-part Turn of the Card game ( that puts players in the worst place in the world to find one of the most gifted psychics in human history. Stick around for part two (SAT-02 Red Crook, Part 2: Nostalgia)!

I have room for six players!
6 Slots Open