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SAT-02 Letters from the Front Playtest [0/4]

Posted: June 3rd, 2015, 3:56 pm
by DaveWeinstein
Letters from the Front is an epistolary game in which the players create a world, create a war, and explore the events of that war through the narration of letters and other historical material. The high concept is "the game of making a Ken Burns documentary".

The game supports 3 or 4 players, and is GM-less. If we have fewer than four players, I'll join in, otherwise I will just facilitate. The game has been in playtest since last year, and the playtest will be using what are likely to be near-final mechanics, and focusing on the prompt questions for world, war, and character creation.


It is most likely the case that we can fit two games into the slot, as games usually run 90-120 minutes.

(Edit: Moved to Saturday)

Re: SAT-02 Letters from the Front Playtest [0/4]

Posted: June 23rd, 2015, 2:12 pm
by jbsworth
I would love to play this game, but am committed elsewhere at this time (and SAT-01). If you end up offering it at another time, I'll be there.