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Registration for GMs / games?
Posted: February 8th, 2016, 12:26 pm
by Allan Dotson
When can we expect to see registration open for GMs / games?
It's my first time coming to GoPlay NW, and I am eager to register and run some of my own self-published titles.
Re: Registration for GMs / games?
Posted: February 8th, 2016, 11:35 pm
by Philip
Currently the
Brainstorming Games forum is open for people to talk about what they're interested in playing. Around the end of May or so, we'll open up the Game Scheduling forum for people to post what they're actually planning to run and get signups.
I feel I should caution that traffic's been on the light side on the forums in the past couple years; I think a lot of people hold their discussions elsewhere, like Google+, and I'd say at least half of the games are arranged ad-hoc at the event. Still, we do get a bunch of games pre-scheduled here as well. As the event gets closer, we'll make a couple posts reminding people about using the forums to drum up interest and schedule games.
Re: Registration for GMs / games?
Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 3:41 pm
by XophRA
The GoPlay Google + community is