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SAT-03 Burning Empires [Burning Wheel Hard Mode, full up!]

Posted: July 1st, 2016, 3:08 pm
by GaryM
In the Vinkanse Arm, the winding light years-wide gap between the Darikahn and Dunedin spheres of influence, lies Bansiyan, a garden world of rolling hills, gentle skies, and placid oceans. Yet this sunlit paradise incubates an ambitious resurgent noble line, a deadly criminal underworld, and the Worm - yes, the Terror itself is present on Bansiyan, hidden quietly in the skulls of Civil Government officials... and the time has come for the Vaylen to make their move.

We'll play as many Maneuvers as we care to attempt in the Usurpation phase as the Vaylen and their dupes try to turn Bansiyan into a farmworld (providing millions of human bodies for the billions of larval brainworms lacking such things). The human opposition Figures of Note are a hardbitten noble-family warrior in her power armor, an influential and popular senator, and a --cold-blooded criminal operative-- telepathic zealous Inquisitor.

Burning Empires works similar to Burning Wheel, Torchbearer, and Mouse Guard in the sense that there are Beliefs, Instincts, and dicepools of d6s. BE also has a constrained scene economy, a meta-level mechanic for Maneuvers, and some super-specialized conflict rules for squad operations and space battles.


1. Gary
2. Johnstone
3. Joe G
4. Langoroth

Here's the Burning Empires wiki page if one is moved to prowl around in such a thing: ... =Main_Page
If I can provide blather - er, resources - or answer questions I am happy to do so.

Edited to add: I'm going to do as much of the heavy lifting as I can, so that "Burning Wheel Hard Mode" does not become "Burning Wheel What The Crap Just Happened I Want Those Four Hours Of My Life Back Gary You Jerk Mode." Cheat sheets and lists and clear ideas of who can do what when and how are my goal.

Edit edit: Stoked to have a full slate! Looking forward to this.

Re: SAT-03 Burning Empires [Burning Wheel Hard Mode, 3 playe

Posted: July 2nd, 2016, 10:23 am
by Johnstone
Yes yes and yes.

Re: SAT-03 Burning Empires [Burning Wheel Hard Mode, 1 playe

Posted: July 5th, 2016, 2:19 pm
by Langoroth
I think that I am your 4th for this. I must be crazy for doing this though.

Re: SAT-03 Burning Empires [Burning Wheel Hard Mode, 1 playe

Posted: July 5th, 2016, 6:52 pm
by GaryM
Langoroth wrote:I must be crazy for doing this though.
No more so than I for running it. :D

Re: SAT-03 Burning Empires [Burning Wheel Hard Mode, full up

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 10:48 am
by Langoroth
Gary: Any chance you could send out the characters ahead of time? I dug out my Burning Empires book and I'd like to prep as much as possible ahead of time. My email is Langoroth at the google mail (gmail) dot com.

While I am partial to power armor (and what gamer isn't?), all of the characters sound cool.

Also, are there any particular sections that I should focus on? I figure I'll read up on Usurpation and general scene framing / resolution. While we played a couple of sessions, I seem to remember that there are a lot of moving parts.