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SAT-02 Dumb Thumb (drop-ins)

Posted: June 28th, 2018, 9:49 pm
by bryanplayer27
Stop by and get your creative juices flowing! Dumb Thumb is a casual, rhyme-based word game that turns even a shy guy into a dapper rapper.

2 minutes to learn (no experience necessary)
15 minutes to play
4-10 players

How it works in a nutshell:

- Draw a card; that card will have a rhyme on it (ex: weird beard).
- Give clues (ex: strange facial hair) so your team can guess the rhyme and get points.
- Whichever team gets the most points wins!

This is a local, home-grown game that is entering production and available for pre-order. Hope to see you soon!

- Bryan and Dan