"They broke my game, and took my pants." - Joe McDonald
Guest of Honor: Clinton R. Nixon
Play threads
- Go Play Northwest: Seattle, June 22-24 (Pre-con discussion)
- GPNW is teh hawtness!
- Numbers, Reflections, Lessons Learned, etc.
- Lucian Smith's recap
- Photo Thread
- Phil's Danger Patrol pics [Setup] [Play]
- Thrilling Tales of Adventure! Playtest [Pic 1][Pic 2]
- 2d6 Feet in a Random Direction Episode 21 Chris Bennett chats about GPNW 2007
- Have Games, Will Travel #93 Paul Tevis' podcast - "Last weekend was Go Play NW, so today I'm talking about what I played there."
- The Voice of the Revolution, Episode 9 "Paul sits down with John Harper, the designer of Agon, to talk about Go Play Northwest."