At the Hands of an Angry God

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Joined:June 17th, 2010, 5:54 pm
Name:Wilson Zorn
At the Hands of an Angry God

Post by zornwil » May 29th, 2012, 10:38 pm

Beta version nearing completion...

“At the Hands of an Angry God” is a story-game in which players represent the people and forces at work in an attempt to establish a self-contained community on the edge of civilization. The type of community in question might be something like Puritan settlers in the New World, a space-faring community surviving devastation, or modern religious zealots (like the New Davidian and Jonestown comunities) escaping the modern world. One player represents Fate; whether Fate represents the hand of God or nature directly or something else…well that’s up to each to make their own mind up about. Mainly, in effect, Fate represents challenges to the community that come from outside of that community, whether the guardians of an old order, famine, disease, riot police, nearby “savages,” weather events, or the like. The other players represent Families (optional versions allow for Individuals or Factions, with just minor adaptations).

Players will establish a common ethos for the new community and then each family will attempt to survive the elements, further the community, and, ideally, establish their family in the forefront of the community.

Have run this the last 3 years, each, and looking to run in a 3 or 4 hour session this year, perhaps Friday night as I've done last few years. Game works with 3-6 people (in certain ways more is better), I'd prefer to run for 4 given a 4 hour slot (and we can fairly easily work with 3 hours). Those who've played before as welcome as newcomers! Game has not changed much since the improvements introduced last year though some tweaks and simplifications. Fresh off a Kublacon run with 6 (longer time period and to test with the maximum number). Numbers do not count facilitator (not "GM-less").


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