The worst thing about Go Play Northwest 2009 (Story Games)
Give us your feedback on GPNW 2009 (Story Games)
FRI-01: Friday night, 9 pm to midnight
- 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars, Matthew Klein
- 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars, John Harper
- Codex: John Harper: "Harper Adventures", Joe MacDonald
- Grey Ranks, Jason Morningstar
- Microscope, Ben Robbins
- Microscope, Ping Lin
- Montsegur 1244, Ryan Macklin
- Storyjamming: "White Picket Hexes", Brendan Adkins and Joe MacDonald
- Swords & Wizardry: "The Darkness Beneath", Wilhelm Fitzpatrick
- Anima Prime, Andrew Henderson
- Fiasco, Jason Morningstar
- Fiasco, Chris Bennett
- In a Wicked Age, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick
- Microscope, Ping Lin
- Prime Time Adventures: "Slot 9", Ogre Whiteside
- Principia, Tony Dowler
- Star Trek homebrew: "new Star Trek film", John Powell
- The Shadow of Yesterday, Kingston Cassidy
- AGON: "Shadowrun", Doug Bartlett
- Beast Hunters, Lesley McKeever
- Car Wars, Tony Dowler
- The Mountain Witch: "Mountain Witch 2042: The Fujiyama Run" (part 1), Carl Rigney
- Mythender: "Ending Thor" (part 1), Ryan Macklin
- Pantheon: "Grave & Watery", Jonathan Tweet
- Ribbon Drive, Joe MacDonald
- Rubble, Brendan Adkins (ran through Sunday morning)
- Steal Away Jordan, Hans Otterson
- Swords & Wizardry: "The Darkness Beneath", Wilhelm Fitzpatrick
- Vanguard: "Vaults of the Drift", Matt Wilson
- Zombie Cinema, James Brown
- Carolina Death Crawl, Jason Morningstar
- Carry, Ogre Whiteside
- Fiasco, Matthew Gagan
- The Hydra, Jackson Tegu
- Imperishable (Ghost/Echo mod), Blake Hutchins
- InSpectres: "Welcome to Omega Complex!", Mike Sugarbaker
- Microscope, Ben Robbins
- The Mountain Witch: "Mountain Witch 2042: The Fujiyama Run" (part 2), Carl Rigney
- Mythender: "Ending Thor" (part 2), Ryan Macklin
- Ribbon Drive, Joe MacDonald
- Spectre of the Beast, Joel Shempert
- Swords & Wizardry: "The Darkness Beneath", Wilhelm Fitzpatrick
- Bridge system: "The Keep", Mickey Shulz
- Danger Patrol, John Harper
- Danger Patrol, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick
- Dogs in the Vineyard: "Les Chiens de la Terreur", Wilson Zorn
- Dungeons & Dragons 4E: "Dungeon Construction Kit", Lee Short
- Geiger Counter: "The Edge of Darkness", Ping Lin
- Lacuna, Carl Rigney
- The Shab Al-Hiri Roach: "Wall Street Roach (Gecko)", Chris Bennett
- The Upgrade!, Jason Morningstar and Ryan Macklin
- Amber Shadows (part 1), Lee Short
- Anima Prime, Christian Griffen
- Capes!, Joel Shempert
- House of Cards (playtest), Eric Boyd
- InSpectres (mod): "Rock 'n Roll Confidential", Ogre Whiteside
- Sea Dracula: "First Church of Sea Dracula", Mike Sugarbaker
- "Short Form Gaming Goodness", Chris Bennett
- The Sorta Universal Super System: "Cyber Ninja Pirates in Space", Wilson Zorn
- Storming the Wizard's Tower, Kingston Cassidy
- Amber Shadows (part 2), Lee Short
- Anima Prime: "Four Swords of Righteous Purity", David Drake
- Beast Hunters, John Aegard
- Don't Rest Your Head: "Rural Folks Have Dreams, Too", Wilson Zorn
- Fiasco, Jason Morningstar
- Lady Blackbird: "Saga of the Goblin Headbag", John Harper
- Microscope, Ben Robbins
- Nicotine Girls, Joel Shempert
- Nine Worlds, James Brown
- Ribbon Drive, Joe McDonald
- Spione, Eric Boyd
- Combat Diaries: "Omaha Beach", Ogre Whiteside
- The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries: "Tavern Tales of Dungeoneering", Eric Boyd
- Danger Patrol: "Attack of the Crimson Apes!", John Harper
- Danger Patrol: "Attack of the Plutonian Apes!", Brendan Adkins
- Decade: A Game of Reunions, Michael
- Don't Rest Your Head, Carl Rigney
- Lady Blackbird/Twilight 2000: "Twilight Blackbird", Chris Bennett
- Mythender, Ryan Macklin
- Storming the Wizard's Tower: "Tales of Great Beledain", Andrew
- Tunnels & Trolls: "Return to the Tomb-Complex of Ymmu M'Kursa! (Re-Deceased)", Wilhelm Fitzpatrick