Mini-GPNW / HarperCon '08 / Peanut Butter Jelly Time (Story Games)
- In A Wicked Age (John Harper. I'll float around and facilitate or GM IAWA as needed. I figure this slot will be slow going. Players: WilhelmF, Jackson, Brendan, Alan, John A. ...)
- D&D 4e game (GM John Harper; interested players: Chris B., WilhelmF, Brendan, Jackson, Charlie)
- Don't Rest Your Head (GM Carl, up to 4 players: Matthew ...)
- In A Wicked Age (GM: John A, players: Jordan, Ian ...)
- Jedis in the Vineyard, Ogre facilitating
- 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars/ space marines (GM Ben Robbins, players John Harper, Ryan Dunleavy)
- Shab-Al Hiri Roach (Chris B facilitating, interested players: John A., Ping, Brendan, Matthew, Jackson...)
- Rock n Roll Dreams (GM Carl, up to 4 players: ...)
- Short-form Awesome: Try several Nordic-style games that can be played in 15-60 minutes each! (Chris Bennett facilitating, players: Marcy, Matthew, Jackson...)
- Lacuna if there's interest (GM: Carl, up to 4 players: John H, Mickey, Lukas...)
- Carry (GM: Ogre)
- More 3:16, run by Ben Robbins (players: Ping, John H, Ogre, Jackson)
- More In a Wicked Age (GM: John A, players: Jordan, Ian, Phil)