SAT-02 Red Crook, Part 2: Nostalgia (6 Slots Left)

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Joined:June 20th, 2014, 11:33 pm
Name:Jefferson Lee
SAT-02 Red Crook, Part 2: Nostalgia (6 Slots Left)

Post by leejk_sun » June 21st, 2014, 1:16 pm

It's been 18 years since Bosnia, but you and your team are still out there, searching those dark, burning hills for the infamous Red Crook. Through satellite surveillance, field reports, and boxes of newspaper clippings you try to find traces and evidence. To everyone else she is a ghost, long dead and far away; but she still clings to you, and drags you through the world on the edges of her shadow.

She let you witness the stars of an unfathomable future, and now she will never let you go.

Nostalgia is the second part of a two-part Turn of the Card game ( You don't need to play part one (SAT-01 Red Crook, Part 1: Lost in Bosnia) to enjoy part two, but it doesn't hurt. Also if you play part one, you'll understand all the inside jokes!

I have room for six players!
6 Slots Open


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