Here is the schedule of events for 2019.
Go Play NW always features a mix of scheduled and ad-hoc gaming.
For scheduled gaming, see our game scheduling forum. You may sign up for games, drop out of games, or offer to run a game through the forums up until 1 week before Go Play.
For pickup gaming, there will be a pitch session in the Ballroom before each gaming slot (also known as “the donut”). Show up a few minutes early. If you’re comfortable facilitating a game, come to the con with one ready. Our community members are what make Go Play NW fun, and we truly appreciate every person that chooses to run a game at Go Play NW.
Registration Opens: 1pm
FRI-01: 2pm – 6pm (4 hours)
Dinner time: 6pm – 8pm. Tables are reserved for Go Play NW at the nearly Rhein Haus if you want to join us. All are welcome.
FRI-02:8pm – midnight (4 hours)
SAT-01: 9am – noon (3 hours)
Lunch: noon – 1pm. A cafeteria lunch is provided with registration.
SAT-02: 1:30pm – 5:30pm (4 hours)
Feast: 6pm – 8pm
SAT-03: 8pm – midnight (4 hours)
SUN-01: 9am – noon (3 hours)
Lunch: noon – 1pm. A cafeteria lunch is provided with registration.
SUN-02: 1:30pm – 5:30 pm (4 hours)
Dinner: 5:30pm – 7pm
SUN-03: 7pm – 10pm (3 hours)