Tony Tony
Jun 19

Go Play NW is about meeting friends and playing games. To help make that happen, we have a mixture of scheduled games and pick-up gaming in every slot. Since our focus is on gaming, we don’t have any panels or vendor rooms, though if you want to organize a formal meetup or panel, you’re welcome to do so.
Scheduled gaming occurs through our forums. If you’re wondering what games to bring, or if there’s a particular game you want to play, head over the Brainstorming forum. The Brainstorming forum is a good place for people who want to play the same games to meet.
Scheduled gaming is also organized through the forums. If you have a game you want to run or facilitate, consider posting it in the scheduling forum.
Pickup gaming occurs in every slot with an informal organizing session at the beginning of the slot. This is a time to offer games, find out what people are facilitating, and get involved.
Go Play NW runs on attendee participation. If you come ready to have fun and possibly offer to run or teach a game or two yourself, it makes the event better for everyone.
See you in July!

Tony Tony
Jun 14

This is your last full day to reserve an overnight room for Go Play NW, so sign up now! This is also the last full day to get a Go Play NW 2017 T-shirt!
See you in July!

Tony Tony
Jun 13

Game scheduling for Go Play NW 2017 is now open!
Go Play works best when we’ve got a strong slate of scheduled games to go along with our pickup gaming and the donut. Consider bringing some games and scheduling a slot or two on the forums.
Also, be sure to read the How to Schedule a Game post before you schedule.
Here’s the gaming slot schedule for 2017.
Registration Opens: 1pm
FRI-01: 2pm – 5pm (3 hours)
Dinner time: 5pm – 7pm
Opening ceremonies and social hour: 7pm – 8pm
FRI-02:8pm – midnight (4 hours)
SAT-01: 9am – noon  (3 hours)
Lunch: noon – 1pm (cafeteria is open 11:30-1pm)
SAT-02: 1:30pm – 5pm (3.5 hours)
Feast: 5pm – 7pm
SAT-03: 7pm – midnight (5 hours)
SUN-01: 9am – noon (3 hours)
Lunch: noon – 1pm (cafeteria is open 11:30-1pm)
SUN-02: 1:30pm – 5:30 pm (4 hours)
Dinner: 5:30pm – 7pm
SUN-03: 7pm – 10pm (3 hours)

Tony Tony
Jun 08

Go Play NW is less than one month away! As a reminder, room reservations and Tshirt sales close on June 15th. If you would like an overnight room for Go Play NW or a Go Play NW 2017 T-shirt, register now!

Tony Tony
Mar 30

Go Play Tickets are now on Sale!

Tickets are now available for Go Play NW, July 7-9, 2017. We’ve got a few changes in the works this year, but first, here’s something that’s staying the same: membership prices will not go up this year. We’ve worked hard to keep Go Play NW as affordable as possible, and in that vein, Go Play memberships are will cost the same this year as last year. Room prices have risen slightly to meet increasing costs.

And another big change this year: the Go Play NW feast has been moved to Saturday. Why are we moving the feast? One of the biggest reasons is that our community is growing and changing. Every year we have more people coming to Go Play. More and more of those people are completely new to our community. That’s why we want to have the feast on Saturday, our biggest day in terms of attendance–to give everyone a chance to meet and get to know each other in an informal setting.

We will have more details on the schedule soon.

Tony Tony
Jan 25

Go Play NW 2017 will take place Friday, July 7 – Sunday July 9, 2017 at Seattle University.
We’re looking forward to our biggest year yet! Every year new people come and join the Go Play NW community. When we first started, the organizers knew almost everybody at the convention. Today, Go Play NW spans communities of friends and gamers in multiple countries. So this year we are going to focus on how we make Go Play NW a more welcoming place for people who may never have attended or even heard of Go Play NW before. That doesn’t mean we’re making huge changes. This will still be the same convention our members love. What we are going to do is revisit how we run things and see where we can make it friendlier to first time attendees.

Tony Tony
Jul 11

Go something you want to say about Go Play NW? Want to reminisce about the good times? Find the person you played that amazing session with? Check out the Afterglow: What we Played forum.
Or, if you’ve got some feedback, complaints, thoughts on what was great or could be better? Share them in the Afterglow: the Good, the Bad, and the Awesome forum.

Tony Tony
Jul 06

Go Play NW 2016 is only a few days away! To help you get ready, download and print the Go Play NW 2016 Event Guide. The guide contains useful information about check in, the venue, wifi, parking, and food.
Note on parking: Seattle University has changed their policy from previous years; we have been told that all attendees who need parking, whether staying overnight as guests or just for the day as commuters, will be charged $5 per day per vehicle. You can get a parking pass at the front desk of Campion Hall.

Tony Tony
Jul 05

Hi gamemasters, players, and facilitators. We are closing game scheduling at midnight on July 6th. You can still access and update the forum, but the signup board at Go Play will reflect the state of the forum as of Wednesday.
Also PLEASE UPDATE your post with a list of confirmed players. We don’t want to comb through the thread trying to confirm who has signed up and who has not. It always ends in tears. See you soon!

Tony Tony
Jul 02

In keeping with sartorial tradition, Sunday is dapper day at Go Play NW. Wear a tie. Put on your best sundress. Wear those sparkly bangles or cosplay as your favorite character. See you Sunday!

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