Christopher Allen Christopher Allen
Jul 27

Date(s) - July 27, 2024
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

You are fellow travelers on the Twilight Road. Together your journey will take you through choices & transitions, quests & trials. What will you discover on your way? Will you find your destination or return home? Either way, you will arrive changed. These are the stories of the Twilight Road. Every game session is different, every road, every journey is unique.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Unravel the themes of identity, purpose, and belonging as you navigate The Road filled with choices, challenges, and intriguing characters. Experience a transformative journey filled with choices, challenges, and intriguing characters as you navigate the winding path of Twilight Road.

Tableau Games is a cinematic storytelling system, using composable rules on cards and card-sized booklets for versatile gameplay. Ideal for 3-4 players in 3-4 hours, with no prep or GM required. Explore the opportunities for collaborative storytelling and thrilling cinematic adventures possible with Twilight Road and the Tableau Games system. More details at

  • Christopher Allen

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