Tony Tony
Feb 22

Hey everybody, this is just a little note to let you know that we’re still nailing down the final details for Go Play NW. We hope to have a lot more news soon. In the meantime, mark June 29-July 1 on your calendar. See you in the summertime!

Tony Tony
Jan 10

Mark your calendar!
Go Play NW is going back to it’s roots. We have confirmed Seattle University as the location for Go Play NW 2012. It’s the same location as the first Go Play NW back in 2007, but we won’t be in the same rooms. Seattle U has a whole range of new spaces for events. The con will be held Friday, June 29 – Sunday July 1, 2012.
Going back to Seattle U has some great benefits for us. First of all, we’ll have overnight rooms available on-site at a very reasonable price in the same building where we’ll be gaming. We’ve got tons of space to game and some really cool spaces to work with. We’ll be announcing more details in the next few weeks and registration will open up in February.
See you at Go Play!

Tony Tony
Jul 06

That’s all she wrote! We will have a few tickets available at the door for walk-ins.
Also, if you’re running something, make sure your forum post has a list of your players in it! That makes life a lot easier for the organizers.

Tony Tony
Jul 01

Go Play NW is almost upon us! Early next week, we’ll be printing out game lists to post at the con. This means that we need all you game masters to go back to the game scheduling thread and make a post listing who is in your game by the end of Tuesday July 5. People can still join your game if there’s room! However, the list you post in your forum will be the list we print.
People signing up – don’t panic, there will be lots of pickup gaming at the con as well as blank game sign-up sheets for GMs to add games as we go. See you in 7 days!

Tony Tony
Jul 01

Good news! The technical difficulties with our registration provider have been resolved.

Tony Tony
Jun 30

It seems we’re having some issues with our registration provider, so you may not be able to buy tickets right now. We’re working to resolve the problem.

Tony Tony
Jun 28

We’re in the home stretch now for Go Play NW 2011. We’ve had  a real rush of people signing up the last two weeks. So many that we’ve added another room to the convention! A lot of the people signing up are new to Go Play NW. Welcome!
By now a lot of people, new and old, are starting to wonder “what do I do next”?
First, I strongly advise you to sign up for the forums. That’s where a lot of the talking and planning happens leading up to Go Play.
Second, visit the game scheduling forum and see what interests you.
But don’t think that the scheduled games are the whole thing. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Expect to see lots of pickup gaming as well. Visit the Brainstorming Forum and see what some people are talking about playing to get an early taste.
Finally, come to the con ready to play and have fun! See you there!

Tony Tony
Jun 19

We’re in the home stretch now, I promise. We’ve had a big surge in sign-ups this week as the fence sitters make up their minds. We’ve now broken 90 registered attendees for Go Play NW 2011!
Also, if you’re looking to share accommodation or transportation for Go Play NW 2011, be sure to visit the forums. There are plenty of good folks on there who are willing to help out.

Tony Tony
Jun 08

I was talking to the Sasquatch yesterday over beers and he suggested that “someone” should write a post about game scheduling.
If you’ve visited the forums, you’ve probably already seen that there’s a brainstorming forum and a scheduling forum, and you may be wondering “do I need to schedule my games now? Am I missing out if I don’t?”
Rest assured that many (in fact most) of the games at Go Play NW are put together on the spot. It’s quite easy to have a fun con without singing up to run or play in any games ahead of time. That said, if you happen to see a game you just know you’re going to enjoy, or if you have something you’re itching to run, go ahead and get on the schedule. It’s nice to have some things decided ahead of time.
On the other hand, maybe you don’t want to be tied down. Throughout the weekend, GMs and facilitators will be putting games up on the schedule board looking for people to play. Leaving some slots open means you’ll be able to join these games when the fancy takes you. Even better, bring your favorite game along and offer to run it whenever you want.
Finally, there’s the Pickup Donut. The donut is a way for people who are looking for a pickup game or who haven’t decided what they want to do to get together in a group and do some gaming. We’ll be running this every round of the con.
But really, the best way to have fun at Go Play NW is to come with an open mind prepared to make friends and have fun. With that attitude, you’ll never fail.

Tony Tony
May 23

Hi everyone!
The Game Scheduling Posts are now open. Please go and check it out. People are already setting up some cool games. Huzzah!

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