Tony Tony
Jun 19

Our good friend Shuo is sponsoring another mix-CD exchange at Go Play NW this year. Last time I went home with a bunch of cool music I never would have discovered otherwise. Check out this thread for more info:

Tony Tony
Jun 14

Game scheduling for Go Play NW 2016 is now open!
Go Play works best when we’ve got a strong slate of scheduled games to go along with our pickup gaming and the donut. If there’s a game you’d really like to be involved in, consider adding it to the schedule. You’ve got three weeks to do it.
Also, be sure to read the How to Schedule a Game post before you schedule.
5pm: doors open
6-8 pm: Friday Night Feast.
8pm-Midnight: FRI01 gaming slot (4 hours)
8:30am: doors open
9am-Noon: SAT01 gaming slot (3 hours)
Noon-1pm: Lunch
1-5pm: SAT02 gaming slot (4 hours)
5-8pm: Dinner
8pm-Midnight: SAT03 gaming slot (4 hours)
8:30am: doors open
9am-Noon: SUN01 gaming slot (3 hours)
Noon-1pm: lunch
1-4pm: SUN02 gaming slot (3 hours)
4-4:30pm: break
4:30-8:30pm: SUN03 gaming slot (4 hours)

Tony Tony
Jun 02

Our volunteer program was very successful last year. This year we’re looking for a few volunteers to help make sure Go Play NW runs smoothly and remains a safe place for gamers of every description. To help us do that, we’re looking for some people to act as volunteers for the weekend. The duty should be fairly light, and you’ll get a special Go Play NW 2016 Staff T-shirt for free.
Our goal is for our volunteers to enjoy the con as much as we do, so we’re only going to ask you to help out with 2 or maybe 3 slots, and you’ll still be able to schedule games in those slots. The main job we’re asking volunteers to do is to help run donuts at the beginning of game slots and act as an on-site “safety” person to help foster a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment.
If you’re interested, respond to this post with an email address where we can reach you, or email Tony at

Tony Tony
May 23

By now you might be wondering what Go Play NW is about, especially if you’re new this year, or if you’ve heard about this event, but haven’t decided if you’ll attend.
Our goal at Go Play NW is to focus on meeting friends and playing game. To help make that happen, we have a mixture of scheduled games and pick-up gaming in every slot. Since our focus is on gaming, we don’t have any panels or vendor rooms, though if you want to organize a formal meetup or panel, you’re welcome to do so.
Scheduled gaming occurs through our forums. We’ll open up scheduling in a week, but for now, head over to the forum and start brainstorming games. Come tell us what you want to play, and there’s a good chance you’ll find someone willing to run it.
Pickup gaming occurs in every slot with an informal organizing session at the beginning of the slot. This is a time to offer games, find out what people are facilitating, and get involved.
Go Play NW runs on attendee participation. If you come ready to have fun and possibly offer to run a game or two yourself, it makes the event better for everyone.
See you in July!

Tony Tony
Feb 08

Great news, everybody! Registration for Go Play NW 2016 is now open. You can register at:
Most options for Go Play NW include the Friday Night Feast, an informal catered meal gathering, and one slot of gaming on Friday night. There are also dorm rooms available for overnight stays on the Seattle U campus for a very reasonable price, with options for an additional evening’s stay if you’re traveling out on Monday.
All ticket options include a meal card for lunch on Saturday and Sunday (only one lunch for the one-day ticket, of course); overnight stays include breakfast as well as lunch.
You can also order the official Go Play NW 2016 shirt, designed as always by John Harper, on the registration page. All shirts must be picked up at the event; we do not ship shirts.
So go register now! We’ll see you in July!

Tony Tony
Jan 18

Spread the word, we’ve finally reserved our dates for 2016. Go Play NW will be July 8-10, 2016. This is our TENTH Go Play NW, so we know it’s going to be a big deal. We’re planning to be in Campion Hall and the Ballroom this year as in years past (sorry, Casey Hall fans).

Tony Tony
Jun 25

Check in for Go Play NW will be at Campion Hall on the Seattle U Campus at E. James Way. Your badges, WiFi passwords, and T-shirts (if you ordered one) will be at the desk waiting for you. If you have a dorm room, parking is free; otherwise, a parking pass costs $5 per day. You can get a parking pass at the Campion Hall desk, and park in the Murphy Garage off E James Way.
This year’s feast will be at Casey Hall on the patio. The weather is expected to be fabulous.
Gaming will also be in Casey Hall this year. Game scheduling and signup will be on the fifth floor.
Download the GPNW 2015 Event Guide PDF for more information.
See you at Go Play NW!

Tony Tony
Jun 24

If you’re the sort who occasionally dons a tie, don’t forget to bring your best tie (or other beloved article of fancy clothing) and wow us all with your styles on Sunday!

Tony Tony
Jun 23

Did you forget to register for Go Play NW? If so, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. We can still take registrations by PayPal. Send your funds to through PayPal. A ticket for all three days is $90, Saturday and Sunday only is $60, one day only is $35. This is the best way to make sure you get a ticket.
If you don’t do PayPal, then please email us that you’re coming and when. We’ll add you to the list and make other arrangements for payment.

Tony Tony
Jun 19

Players and gamemasters, we’ll close game scheduling on Wedneday of next week. There are a bunch of scheduled games open on the game scheduling forum, and we can always use more! I suggest you go check it out, browse the games, offer a game, sign up for a game! See you in a week!

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