Tony Tony
Jun 09

Our illustrious artist John Harper has given us a ROUGH DRAFT preview of the shirt, and just in time, because we are closing shirt sales TOMORROW!
Yes, you’ve got 24 hours to order one of these babies before the con. We have women’s cuts available on request.
NOTE: Order it through our event registration page! You can do that as a separate item without registering to attend. However, WE DO NOT SHIP SHIRTS, so you’ll have to make sure you’ve arranged for someone to pick it up for you (and let us know) if you won’t be attending.

Tony Tony
Jun 04

If you want to take advantage of the Campion dorm rooms for Go Play NW, you need to register now!

Tony Tony
Jun 01

It’s time to start scheduling games for 2015! You can do it in the forums here:
To schedule a game, start a new thread and put the time slot at the front of the subject. That way when people sort the forum alphabetically they’ll see all the game slots in chronological order, like so:
FRI-01 Dungeon World
SAT-01 Blades in the Time of the Cholera
You’ll want to provide all the usual information: how many people you’re looking for, the game system, etc. Putting that info in the thread title is not a bad idea. Coming back and editing your thread title to show how many slots you have left, also a good idea:
SUN-02 Blades in the Time of the Cholera (Blades Hack, 4 players needed)
If you’re not sure you want to commit to a scheduled game, or you just want to kick around ideas, get thee to the Brainstorming Games forum.
If you’re offering to run/facilitate a game, people are going to assume you know the rules really well and have played it before. If you don’t or you haven’t, it’s extremely good karma to say so up front. People will still play, but they won’t show up with false expectations. They may even make the effort to learn the game ahead of time and help you out. Be honest.
Same thing for homebrewed, kitbashed, experimental prototypes: we loves gaming dangerously, and we loves cutting edge playtesting, but we also like making informed decisions. Tell people what they’re signing up for.
A few days before Go Play NW you’ll need to go back into your thread and post a list of who is playing in your game, say whether you still have slots available, etc. That’s the list we’ll print and post on the wall. We’re not going to go through the threads and interpret who’s playing and who isn’t — that’s on you.
The final roster date will be about a week before Go Play.

Tony Tony
Jun 01

Schedule for this year is just like last year:
5pm: doors open
6-8 pm: Friday Night Feast.
8pm-Midnight: FRI01 gaming slot (4 hours)
8:30am: doors open
9am-Noon: SAT01 gaming slot (3 hours)
Noon-1pm: Lunch
1-5pm: SAT02 gaming slot (4 hours)
5-8pm: Dinner
8pm-Midnight: SAT03 gaming slot (4 hours)
8:30am: doors open
9am-Noon: SUN01 gaming slot (3 hours)
Noon-1pm: lunch
1-4pm: SUN02 gaming slot (3 hours)
4-4:30pm: break
4:30-8:30pm: SUN03 gaming slot (4 hours)

Tony Tony
May 29

We’re trying something a little different this year for Go Play NW. We’re going to have a more formal volunteer program to help make sure Go Play NW runs smoothly and remains a safe place for gamers of every description. To help us do that, we’re looking for some people to act as volunteers for the weekend. The duty should be fairly light, and you’ll get a special Go Play NW 2015 Staff T-shirt for free.
Our goal is for our volunteers to enjoy the con as much as we do, so we’re only going to ask you to help out with 2 or maybe 3 slots, and you’ll still be able to schedule games in those slots. The main job we’re asking volunteers to do is to help run donuts at the beginning of game slots and act as an on-site “safety” person to help foster a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment.
If you’re interested, email

Tony Tony
May 26

Hey everyone, an important reminder that if you want an overnight room for Go Play NW, you need to sign up BEFORE JUNE 5th!
So go and register now!

Tony Tony
May 22

Every year we have some new people join our community, and even old hands sometimes have questions.
Our focus at Go Play NW is getting together to make friends and play games. That’s why Go Play NW always has a mix of pre-scheduled games and loosely organized pickup gaming. Scheduled gaming is organized through the forums. In a couple of weeks, we’ll open up scheduling forums where anyone can offer games and sign up to play.
Pick-up play is organized in two ways. First, there will be a table where facilitators can post games at any time during the con. Participants can then sign up to join those games. There will also be a short pre-slot pickup session before each gaming block for people who haven’t signed up for anything in that slot.
At Go Play NW, everyone makes the fun together. Thing about brining a game or two that you can facilitate or run, even if you don’t schedule it ahead of time. If you’re planning on doing some pick-up gaming, come ready to try something new.
See you in June!

Tony Tony
Mar 09

Good news everyone, registration is open for Go Play NW 2015.
Better news, thanks to the success of Go Play NW, we’ve been able to keep most of our prices the same as last year! The only exception is the one-day ticket, which costs $5 more.
Ticket options for Go Play NW include the Friday Night Feast, an informal meal gathering and one slot of gaming on the Friday night before Go Play. There are also dorm rooms available for overnight stays on the Seattle U Campus for a very reasonable price. You can also request an additional evening’s stay if you’re traveling out on Monday and don’t want to cut your gaming short.
Register at Eventbee:

Tony Tony
Feb 02

Hi everyone. Good news, we have our dates finalized for Go Play NW 2015! We will be at Seattle University from June 26-28. Once again we will be in the Casey building, the same location as last year. Dorm rooms will be available for rental for the weekend. See you in Seattle in June! Watch this space for more news!

Tony Tony
Jun 26

Hi All, a reminder that we have some changes in our venue this year, and some more details on the location.
Unfortunately, the Campion ballroom is not available for gaming on Saturday and Sunday this year. Instead, gaming will take place in Casey Hall, a separate building a short distance across campus from the Campion Hall dormitories. There will be copious signage and maps posted in various locations to help you navigate.
We have a variety of rooms available to us in Casey, including one large room with multiple tables, an indoor atrium with lots of room and casual seating, a few smaller rooms with 2-4 tables each, and outdoor balcony with seating, and private conference rooms that are good for large groups or groups that want quiet and privacy.
Badge pickup will still be in Campion Hall, as that’s where the Seattle U staff are located to check people in and handle parking, etc.
We think this is going to be a great set up for Go Play, but it is different for last year, and not nearly as central. Let’s all make sure we help our neighbors navigate and make this a great Go Play. We’ve got a few volunteers helping us out this year, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need any help at the venue!
And as always, you are free to use the casual spaces in the Campion lobby for gaming as long as the other guests aren’t disturbed, however scheduling and the Donut will be in Casey Hall.

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