Tony Tony
May 09

If you’re a Go Play NW veteran, you probably already know about the Friday Night Feast, but some newcomers have had questions about it.
The Friday Night Feast is a Go Play tradition that started as an informal pub night the evening before Go Play and has evolved into a fully-fledged dinner and game event. On Friday night, we’ll be meeting at the Go Play venue for a catered meal, with plenty of time to hang out, reconnect with old friends, and make new ones. After that, we’ll have a few hours for people to run and play in games. The atmosphere is cool and laid-back so as to provide a chance to hang out and a good way to ease into the spirit of Go Play.
Hope to see you there!

Philip LaRose Philip LaRose
Apr 26

I know it’s been fairly quiet around here, but things are bubbling behind the scenes. We’re getting the catering lined up for the Friday Night Feast, and John just gave us a peek at this year’s t-shirt design—and I have to say, I can’t wait to reveal it to all of you, it’s sweet as always.
Here in Seattle, spring has been slow in coming; it’s been cloudy and rainy for months, and although we’ve had a few surprisingly sunny days, a chill has persisted in the air. July may seem a long way off, but it’s almost May, really! You know how fast May goes; you turn around a couple times and hey, Memorial Day Weekend, summer’s here. And then June’s just a few short weeks. Go Play NW 2011 will be here before you know it; now’s a good time to register. Don’t miss out!

Tony Tony
Mar 22

If you’re looking for a hotel room for Go Play NW weekend, we have set aside a block of rooms at the Seattle Center Travelodge at a special rate for Go Play. Call the Travelodge to make your reservation, and tell them it’s for the Go Play NW group.
200 – 6th Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
Tel: 206.441.7878 Fax: 206.448.4825
e-mail: Ptanian@TravelodgeSeattleCenter.Com
Also, if you’re looking for room-mates, crash space, or other accommodations, the forums are a great place to ask!

Tony Tony
Mar 15

Updated! There was some confusion with the Hotel block, but we’re clearing it up. We will have a block of discounted rooms available for Go Play NW. Details will appear here shortly.

Feb 22

That’s right, registration is now open for Go Play NW 2011. And we’re thrilled to be able to keep our ticket prices the same for the third year in a row! On our Eventbee page you can register for the whole weekend or just one day, sign up for the Friday Night Feast too, and order a t-shirt*.
Early registration helps us pay our site deposit and plan better. It also makes us happy to know you’re coming. And it ensures you’ll be able to attend—we sold out in advance last year, we’ve got room for a few more people this year but don’t count on a last-minute registration.
So, you’re here reading this post: you might as well register now. Right? Right.
*We haven’t got the Sasquatch to pose for a design yet; we think he’s nervous about how to top last year’s. As soon as we can get him to sit down for a moment and pose, we’ll get a t-shirt design worked up to show you all.

Feb 01

That’s right, it’s on! Go Play NW 2011 will be held Friday July 8 to Sunday July 10 in the Northwest Rooms (naturally) at Seattle Center. (Really, it’s hard to get more Seattle-centric than playing yards away from the Space Needle.) It’s a great location at a great time of year to be in Seattle, and who doesn’t want to spend a whole weekend having an awesome time playing games? You want to, that’s for sure.
We’ll be getting more information up in the next few weeks and opening registration soon, so keep checking back here. For now, mark those dates on your calendar, and start dreaming…

Philip LaRose Philip LaRose
Jan 23

Things have been very quiet around here since last June and the conclusion of Go Play NW 2010. But I’m dropping by to let you know that it’s a common misconception that sasquatches hibernate for the winter. In fact, behind the scenes, we’ve been busily working on arrangements for Go Play NW 2011.
The Sasquatch has been tromping around town, glancing up at the sky and irritably wondering if it was going to snow again, and looking at venues old and new for this year’s Go Play NW. We asked him how it’s going, and he grunted, “Hrrr grungl grak HARRK HARRK hrmflflg!” at us. We’re not sure, but we think that means things are moving along. So check back soon, we should start having announcements about when you’d expect in February. In the meantime, I think I’d better go make some hot chocolate for the Sasquatch. He could use it.

Jun 22

We’ve put up two new forums for post-GPNW basking:
What We Played — Talk about what you played, and reconnect with everyone you played with. Making separate threads for each game is good, even if there’s very little in them. That way other people in the same game can come along and add their 2-cents, and folks who want to learn more about your game can jump in and ask questions.
The Good, The Bad & The Awesome — Did you have fun? This is the place for all your post-event reflections and feedback. Tell us what we did right and what we did wrong, so future events can be even better, or just come bask in the afterglow…
There’s GPNW 2010 talk all over the intersphere. We can’t keep track of it all! If you are posting elsewhere (other forums, blogs, whatever), drop a link in the forums so other Go Play Nor’westers can find it. If you wrote game summaries you can copy-paste into threads here, link to those discussions, whatever you want.

Jun 17

No more waiting, it’s game on. This is where you’re going:

You will be greeted by this charming fellow:

It’s June, but this is Seattle, and the weather-watcher mice can’t get their story straight. So, y’know, bring a warm jacket.

ping ping
Jun 16

Want to help us set up the clubhouse for feasting and gaming? We’ll be at the space early and we can use all the help we can get.
If want to help out moving tables & chairs, and generally score massive gamer karma, come by at 4 pm on Friday. If you’re in, let us know.

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