Just a reminder that if you scheduled a game, post your list of players before 10 pm tonight.
Just a reminder that if you scheduled a game, post your list of players before 10 pm tonight.
Just like life, 90% of Go Play NW is showing up.
But at least 90% of that 90% is showing up with the right attitude. Being ready to make the fun happen, not waiting for it, and not wasting your time worrying whether you will miss that really cool game.
What percentage does that leave for the other critical ingredient, “bringing a game you’re ready to run”? I may need more than 100% in my pie chart.
So you’re registered for Go Play NW, and it’s less than two weeks away, and you’re thinking: what’s going to happen when I get there? What am I going to play? Who am I going to play with? The future’s mysterious, but you can do something about it.
Step one: sign up on the forums. That’s where all the game planning is taking place.
Take a look at the Scheduled Games. See something you like? Post in that thread and say you want to play. Interested in a game, but don’t see it on the schedule? Go to Brainstorming Games and see if other people want to play too (try searching by the name of the game), or just add it to the schedule yourself and see who signs up.
But the schedule doesn’t tell the whole story. There will be pickup games. Lots of pickup games. Don’t have a plan? Looking for a game? Come join the pickup mob right before each time slot. Want to encourage other people to play in pickup games? Go to the pickup GM threads and say you’re up for running something.
The single, absolute best thing you can do to prepare for Go Play NW is to have a game you know well enough to run and teach others, and be ready to throw down.
With even just one game in your arsenal, you can be a Go Play NW rockstar.
Go Play NW 2010 is officially sold out for the weekend.*
We’re going to have a full house this year which is amazing. But now that the roster is set, it’s all about getting on the forums, talking about games and assembling your survival kit. Go!
*We do have a very limited number of Sunday-only registrations remaining.
What do you need to bring for Go Play NW 2010?
Over in the forums, Adam asked that very question, wondering what would be in a “GoPlay Survival Kit“. There were some good suggestions, key among them being pens and index cards (there’s always stuff needing to be written down) and water—though as Ping pointed out in an earlier post, the Hugo House does have a functioning water fountain, but it’s always nice to have a bottle on hand so you don’t have to leave the gaming table. (Hmm, sounds like Vegas…) If you need some advice or want to make some suggestions of your own, why not head on over to that topic?
Oh yes, and all you owlbear-lovers* will have to bring your own owlbear, because we won’t be supplying them.
*Not that kind of lover. We love them like pets. Bad-tempered pets with red-rimmed eyes of bestial madness that wouldn’t hesitate to claw/claw/bite the nearest human, but hey, that’s part of their charm (Charisma 10).
Five days ago, I reported we had 20 registrations left. As of this morning, we have 5 registrations left. Five is the number of the week. For now.
Don’t miss out – especially since the Friday Night Feast closes next tuesday, June 8.
Just a quick public service announcement:
Today, May 31, is the last day to order t-shirts for pickup at GPNW 2010.
Some important upcoming dates for registration and refunds:
We’re sorry, but we can’t refund t-shirts or the Friday Night Feast after their respective cut-off dates because we’re placing the orders with the vendors immediately.
We only have 20 registrations left for GPNW 2010. Get yours here.
As we posted earlier, we’re well past 2009’s attendance that for those of you keeping track was 75. Hugo House is bigger than Freehold (just look at the pictures), so there is room for more attendees than last year, but registrations are going fast. As with every year, the rate of registration increases the closer we get to the event. At this point, it’s on track to sell out.
Just about everyone has signed up for dinner which is pretty exciting. I know it’s the lure of game-inspired desserts.
Monday was supposed to be the day the Early Bird registration period ended and the ticket price went up.
But we were sitting around talking about how money’s tight for a lot of folks “in these troubling economic times,” and the Early Bird discount started to sound like a catch-22: people who were tight on cash might not have the money on hand to buy a ticket early, but if they were forced to wait the price would go up. Ouch.
So we made a command decision: this year we’re keeping the price where it is all the way up to the event. Just a little gift, from us to you.
Fair warning though: if you want to come, buy a ticket as soon as you can. We already have more registrations than the entire attendance of GPNW 2009, and it’s still three weeks away. It’s going to sell out.