Tony Tony
Apr 10

We are officially canceling our in-person event for 2020.
The duration of restrictions on gatherings continues to be uncertain—but the necessity of keeping everyone safe IS certain.
We will, however, be organizing an online-only event for this year. We’re still working on the details, but we’ll have more news soon!

Tony Tony
Mar 02

Hello everybody, we have some dates for you!
Mark your calendars for July 10-12, 2020. See you there!

Tony Tony
Jul 09

The afterglow forum is open!
What games did you play this year? What was the best part of Go Play for you? Any thing the organizers could have done better? Share it in the afterglow:

Tony Tony
Jul 01

Hey everybody, it’s time for gamemasters to start finalizing scheduled games!
If you have offered a game on the forums, please fill out the Go Play NW 2019 Event form BEFORE WEDNESDAY July 3. (
The online form is new this year, and will make things run a lot more smoothly for scheduled games.
We will be printing final forms for the convention on Wednesday. Having GM’s fill out the details for their events will helps us make sure these are accurate and will save the crew a ton of time and work. You will still be able to make adjustments to the printed sheets at the con.
Thanks for your time and for running a game at Go Play NW!

Tony Tony
Jun 29

We’re excited to have live streaming of tabletop games from Go Play NW this year, for the second year in a row.
Why streaming? Streaming games helps is a way to share the games that we love with a wider audience, and to let people participate in this in new ways. Streaming expands awareness of the hobby and builds communities beyond the physical limits of our space.
How is Go Play NW supporting streaming? We’ll have a streaming room and some equipment set aside for scheduled streaming of games.
How can I participate if I’m not a streamer? The best way to participate is to join in on Twitch, check out the game, and maybe even chat for a bit. Follow Go Play NW on Twitch at to see who’s streaming or use the Twitch mobile app. We will be streaming games at various times throughout the con.
Can I stream a game? We have limited resources to support streaming from the streaming room. The room is not available without prior scheduling. If you want to use the streaming room, please fill out this online form or email
You don’t have to check with us if you want to stream on your own from another location. Please respect other attendees wishes and always ask before broadcasting anyone.

Tony Tony
Jun 28

This year we are re-introducing the Saturday lottery, a staple of many Go Plays past!
In the SAT-02 slot,we will be having the Go Play NW lottery. This takes place of the regular donut. The lottery is an opportunity to meet some new people and possibly play something you’ve never played before. Here’s how it works:

  1. All participants place their badges into the badge bin.
  2. Four badges are drawn. These four gamers will play a game together.
  3. Continue until everyone has a group.

We will have a library of board and role-playing games on hand to help people find something to play.
And if the lottery isn’t your jam, we understand. We also expect to have lots of scheduled games on site or set up through the game scheduling forum.

Tony Tony
Jun 24

We’re not having a catered feast this year, but that doesn’t mean there’s no opportunity to hang out and meet some new people.
We have reserved a bunch of tables at Rhein Haus for dinner of July 5th from 6-8 pm. This is around the corner from campus at 912 12th Ave. Rhein Haus is an all-ages establishment with a variety of food and drink options. Rhein Haus has big communal tables, so this is a great opportunity to socialize.
Update: Rhein Haus was able to move us to a space on the main floor where there will be more seating, including tables with high-backed chairs for those who find bench seating difficult to use.

Tony Tony
Jun 21

Did you go to the Game Scheduling Forum and find a game you love, only to find out it’s full? There are a few things you can do about that.
Go Play NW has a lot of pickup gaming. New games will be scheduled all weekend long, and there’s a self-organizing session, the “donut”, before each round. But if you prefer scheduled games, here are a few suggestions to help you find the game you want to play.
1. If a game is full, post in the thread to see if there’s a waitlist or if someone wants to start a second table. When you have a group of people who all love the same game, there’s a good chance more than one of them know how to facilitate it. If you ask, you may find out there’s enough interest to get a second table going.
2. Post about it in the brainstorming forum or on the Go Play NW Discord. It doesn’t hurt to ask around. It could be that there are several other people who feel the same way and want to play the same game you want.
3. Offer it yourself. Not everyone feels comfortable running a game or putting it on the schedule. Nut if you’ve never run a game before, maybe this is the year to give it a try!
Not getting to play the game you want is always a disappointment, but remember, there are always more games. Come with an open mind, and you will never lack for games to play.
See you in July!

Tony Tony
Jun 14

We are looking for a few more volunteers for Go Play NW!
We’re looking for folks who are willing to help us out in the following capacities: facilitate donuts – act as greeters and roamers – work at the registration table – host gaming tables. Volunteers will be asked to work 2-3 gaming slots and will receive a free ticket to Go Play NW as compensation (if you’ve already bought your ticket, we’ll refund you). Please email if you’re interested or have further questions.

Tony Tony
Jun 10

Gaming all day is great, but don’t forget to fuel your body.
One of the great perks of our venue is that all Go Play NW tickets include lunch in the Seattle University cafeteria. This makes it really easy to keep gaming without having to worry about where you’re going for lunch and how long it’s going to take.
When you register, the front desk staff in Campion Hall will give you a meal card redeemable in the Cafeteria during the Go Play NW lunch break. The cafeteria has a good selection of food that typically includes some gluten-free and vegan options. It’s also a great opportunity to sit down and have lunch with new and old friends. If you have purchased an on-campus dorm room, breakfast is also included with your ticket.
This year we will not have the Friday Night Feast, but we are planning an informal gathering at the Rhein Haus, just a few blocks from the venue. This gathering will occur over the Friday dinner slot. All are welcome.
The Capitol Hill neighborhood also has a great selection of food options starting a few blocks from the convention site. Just East of Campion Hall you’ll find 12th avenue, which runs North-South through the neighborhood. A couple of blocks north you’ll find Starbucks, Subway, and an assortment of restaurants and fast food options. Rhein Haus, near 12th and Marion has a lot of tables and is a common dinner-time stop for folks from Go Play NW.
Further North, 12th moves into the Capitol Hill commercial area, which includes numerous restaurants, cocktail bars, brew pubs, and fast food restaurants.

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