Tony Tony
Jun 25

We are fortunate to have an amazing community of people who work together to make Go Play NW great. We’ve worked hard to craft a code of conduct that helps us foster that community and ensure a great gaming environment for all. We know that no policy is perfect, and we’re always happy to get feedback. You can contact us at
Go Play NW Code of Conduct and Policies.
The purpose of Go Play NW is to create a space where people can gather together, play games, meet friends, and have fun.
1. Treat those around you with respect and maturity.
It’s you, the Go Play NW community, who make Go Play NW successful. Go Play NW works best when we all show respect for the people around us, strive to communicate clearly inside and outside of games, and act with maturity.
Do not engage in any of the following behaviors at Go Play NW:

  • Harassment
  • Discrimination on any basis including gender preference, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, and/or disability
  • Drunkenness or intoxication
  • Physical violence
  • Theft
  • Damage to personal or campus property

2. Always remember that Go Play NW is an inclusive event. We do not allow harassment or discrimination on any grounds.

We do not allow any pattern of behavior which intimidates, alarms, or threatens any person, or which puts them in fear of their safety. This is the opposite of mature, respectful behavior.
Failure to follow this code of conduct may result in:

  • Mediation
  • A verbal warning
  • Ejection from Go Play NW
  • Intervention by Campus Public Safety
  • Contacting local law enforcement

Go Play NW reserves the right to eject any attendee for any reason without refund.
3. If you have a problem at the event, please approach a staff member or volunteer. We are here to support you.
The Go Play NW volunteers and staff are here to support you. Please approach us if you witness or experience any issues at the convention.
Go Play NW volunteers can be identified by their green badges. If you cannot find a staff member or volunteer, you may contact Go Play NW Staff at any time by texting or calling one of the numbers in the event guide.
You may also contact Seattle University Campus Public Safety with any concerns you have regarding facilities, safety, or crime on Seattle University grounds, 24-hours a day at: (206) 296-5990.

Tony Tony
Jun 13

Go Play NW is about meeting friends and playing games. To help make that happen, we have a mixture of scheduled games and pick-up gaming in every slot. Since our focus is on gaming, we don’t have any panels or vendor rooms, though if you want to organize a formal meetup or panel, you’re welcome to do so.
Scheduled gaming occurs through our forums. If you’re wondering what games to bring, or if there’s a particular game you want to play, head over the Brainstorming forum. The Brainstorming forum is a good place for people who want to play the same games to meet.
Scheduled gaming is also organized through the forums. If you have a game you want to run or facilitate, consider posting it in the scheduling forum.
Pickup gaming occurs in every slot with an informal organizing session at the beginning of the slot. This is a time to offer games, find out what people are facilitating, and get involved.
Go Play NW runs on attendee participation. If you come ready to have fun and possibly offer to run or teach a game or two yourself, it makes the event better for everyone.
See you in July!

Tony Tony
Jun 02

Game scheduling is now open for Go Play NW 2018!
To start scheduling your games, go to the Game Scheduling Forum. Be sure to read the How to Schedule a Game post.
At Go Play NW, we have pre-scheduled games, pickup gaming scheduled throughout the con, and a pitch session before each slot. Gamemasters and facilitators really help make Go Play NW successful, so consider scheduling an open game through the forums, or brining a game with you that you can share with others!
Edit: We’ve made a slight change to make the FRI01 slot a full four-hour slot.
Registration Opens: 1pm
FRI-01: 2pm – 6pm (4 hours)
Dinner time: 6pm – 8pm
FRI-02:8pm – midnight (4 hours)
SAT-01: 9am – noon (3 hours)
Lunch: noon – 1pm (cafeteria is open 11:30-1pm)
SAT-02: 1:30pm – 5:30pm (4 hours)
Feast: 6pm – 8pm
SAT-03: 8pm – midnight (4 hours)
SUN-01: 9am – noon (3 hours)
Lunch: noon – 1pm (cafeteria is open 11:30-1pm)
SUN-02: 1:30pm – 5:30 pm (4 hours)
Dinner: 5:30pm – 7pm
SUN-03: 7pm – 10pm (3 hours)

Tony Tony
Apr 04

Things have been quiet here, we know, but the Go Play NW team has been working hard behind the scenes to plan for this year. We’re looking forward to a great Go Play NW!

Tony Tony
Feb 05

It’s that time of year! Go Play NW will be July 6-8 this year. Stay tuned for more announcements about ticketing, games, and so on.

Tony Tony
Jul 12

Go Play NW 2017 has come and gone, and it was a doozy!
Here’s hoping everyone’s going home with some new games, new memories, and new friends. This was our biggest Go Play ever (we seem to be saying that a lot these days), and it was the Go Play NW community that helped make it a success.
Thank you from all the Go Play NW organizers, volunteers, and attendees!
Afterglow forums
And if you’re looking to share some of the fun or reconnect with the people you gamed with this last weekend, head down to the Afterglow: What we Played forum!
We also welcome feedback in our Afterglow: The Good, the Bad, and the Awesome forum.

Tony Tony
Jul 06

It’s the 2017 Go Play Event Guide!

Tony Tony
Jul 06

At Go Play NW, we are blessed by having an amazing community who support us and each other in have a great time hanging out and playing games.
Last year, for the first time, we included a brief code of conduct in our Event Guide. This year we have created a code of conduct and set of policies to help us all function together as a community as Go Play NW grows. We welcome feedback and commentary, as we expect our policies to continue to improve and evolve as we go. Please mail comments to or come up and talk to us at the con.
Go Play NW Code of Conduct and Policies.
The purpose of Go Play NW is to create a space where people can gather together, play games, meet friends, and have fun.
1. Treat those around you with respect and maturity.
It’s you, the Go Play NW community, who make Go Play NW successful. Go Play NW works best when we all show respect for the people around us, strive to communicate clearly inside and outside of games, and act with maturity.
Do not engage in any of the following behaviors at Go Play NW:

  • Harassment
  • Discrimination on any basis including gender preference, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, and/or disability
  • Drunkenness or intoxication
  • Physical violence
  • Theft
  • Damage to personal or campus property

2. Always remember that Go Play NW is an inclusive event. We do not allow harassment or discrimination on any grounds.

We do not allow any pattern of behavior which intimidates, alarms, or threatens any person, or which puts them in fear of their safety. This is the opposite of mature, respectful behavior.
Failure to follow this code of conduct may result in:

  • Mediation
  • A verbal warning
  • Ejection from Go Play NW
  • Intervention by Campus Public Safety
  • Contacting local law enforcement

Go Play NW reserves the right to eject any attendee for any reason without refund.
3. If you have a problem at the event, please approach a staff member or volunteer. We are here to support you.
The Go Play NW volunteers and staff are here to support you. Please approach us if you witness or experience any issues at the convention.
Go Play NW volunteers can be identified by their green badges. If you cannot find a staff member or volunteer, you may contact Go Play NW Staff at any time by texting or calling one of the numbers in the event guide.
You may also contact Seattle University Campus Public Safety with any concerns you have regarding facilities, safety, or crime on Seattle University grounds, 24-hours a day at: (206) 296-5990.

Tony Tony
Jul 03

I am very excited to introduce our new volunteer coordinator, Ben Robbins! Ben is the designer of fine games such as Microscope, Kingdom, and Follow. He has also been organizing and facilitating Story Gamer meetups in the Seattle area for years. Go Play NW owes a significant portion of its success to Ben’s efforts in expanding the community and welcoming new members. So welcome, Ben!
In the past, the volunteer coordinator hasn’t really been involved in the organizing of Go Play NW. By bringing on a coordinator earlier in the process, we’re hoping to make things run more smoothly for everyone. Please let us know how we’re doing during the event and after with suggestions or feedback. You can contact us by email at, or by speaking directly to any of the staff.
Also, a huge thank you to all our volunteers: past, present, and future. You are part of what makes this weekend awesome.

Tony Tony
Jun 28

Hey folks,
We are well on our way to the biggest Go Play NW ever! The Go Play NW family has been steadily growing year by year. We’re very excited to be preparing for our biggest event ever.
Excited and a little scared!
It’s you, our community, who make Go Play NW great. That’s why we’re asking for some ambassadors to help make sure this Go Play is a success. Here’s what you can do to help:
Bring something to a donut.
Pick a slot and commit to offering a pick-up game. We’re always hungry for more facilitators in the donut.
Offer a game on the forums.
Forum activity has been a bit slow, so consider posting a game for players on the forum.
Meet people.
This year there will be more new people than ever before, so if you see someone new, introduce yourself.
Send us your feedback and suggestions.
Keep us in the loop. Tell the Go Play staff what works and what doesn’t. Ask questions. You can reach us at
Being a Go Play ambassador isn’t an official thing. Rather it’s a way of describing the good things we do when we get together to game. So join us in creating a fun community environment at Go Play NW 2017.

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