Tony Tony
Jun 11

Pickup gaming has always been a big part of Go Play NW. If you’ve never been before, you might be wondering how that works. Here’s a quick primer.
Scheduled Pickup Gaming: At Go Play there will be a scheduling wall with games posted. Blank sheets will be available for people to post throughout the weekend. The wall will include the pre-scheduled games that are already going up in the Game Scheduling Forum. If you want to facilitate a game, this is the place to post it and get people to sign up for it.
The Donut: Before each gaming session, we’ll have a quick self-organizing session called “the donut”. The goal of the donut is to help groups of gamers get together and play. Come to the donut with an open mind and/or a game to offer!
The Lottery: Back again this year in the SAT02 slot is the game lottery, a gaming adventure not to be denied! Learn more here.
The most important thing in making Go Play work is to come with a positive attitude. Some people like to schedule most of their games ahead of the con. Some people leave their whole schedule open. A lot of people do a little of both to suit their inclination.
Edit: Here’s a great post with more details on the donut and the lottery: Ars Ludi: Lottery and Pickup Donut

Tony Tony
Jun 07

Just a friendly reminder, order them today, or order them not!

Philip LaRose Philip LaRose
Jun 06

Hey, here we are on the second-to-last-day to register online for on-campus housing and to order a t-shirt, and we haven’t even revealed the t-shirt design! So here’s a peek at it:
GPNW 2012 shirt design
I urge you to click the picture to see the design large—WordPress is making the thumbnail look a little fuzzy, but it’s a nice clean sharp design, as always by the estimable John Harper.
If you want to be rocking this year’s shirt, then you’d best go to our registration page and order one now!

Tony Tony
Jun 04

At Go Play NW, there has always been a mix of prescheduling and pickup gaming, and this year will be no different. We’re trying a shorter game scheduling period this year.
Running Games: The game scheduling forum is open for business. Go over there to find instructions on how to schedule games and get players for the con.
Joining Games: The game scheduling forum is also your place to see what people are running and sign up to play. You don’t have to sign up for games for every slot, or even at all to enjoy the con, but it’s a great way to participate.
Pickup Games and the Donut: There will also be plenty of pickup gaming at Go Play NW. We’ll post a bit more about pickup gaming and the famous donut in the next several days.

Tony Tony
Jun 02

We’re one month away from Go Play NW 2012! It’s time for you fence sitters to register! 🙂 Actually, I’m not kidding. June 7th is the last day you can register for on-campus housing. This is a great deal for out-of-towners or even locals! We’ll have a lot more information coming in the next few weeks, including the opening of the game scheduling forums, information on how the con works, and a picture of this year’s T-shirt!

Tony Tony
May 21

It’s time for a quick update on Go Play NW deadlines. June 7th is the deadline for online registrations for Go Play NW 2012. That’s less than three weeks away! This is earlier than we usually make our deadline because our hosts at Seattle U want our official attendee and overnight guest lists on June 8th. If you want an overnight room, you must register online before the 8th. Early registrations are also appreciated, as they make it easier for us to plan and fund Go Play NW.
We will be taking registrations at the door; however, if the event fills up then there will be only a limited number of tickets available!

Tony Tony
May 19

What are the accommodations like?
We’re only a month and a half from Go Play NW! It’s hard to believe its right around the corner.
There have been some questions about the on-campus accommodations available with tickets this year. Hopefully this post will answer them. There are single and double rooms available. They are typical college dorm type rooms. You can specify your roommate for a double when you buy your ticket, or trust to the luck of the draw.
Linens: There will be bed linens, blankets, and towels provided.
Internet Access: Wifi and Ethernet available free for guests
Parking: Parking is free for guests. You will need to pick up a pass at the event.
Smoking: Smoking is not allowed in any Seattle U buildings
Please let us know if you have any questions not covered by this post.
UPDATE Hey, I forgot to add that vouchers for breakfast and lunch are included with the room! Kind of makes it an even better deal, doesn’t it!

Tony Tony
Apr 05

Go Play NW planning is trucking along! Here’s a look at the slot schedule for 2012:
UPDATE: Oops! Had to change a couple of times as my notes were incorrect!
5pm: doors open
6-8 pm: Friday Night Feast.
8pm-12am: FRI01 gaming slot
8:30am: doors open
9am-Noon: SAT01 gaming slot
Noon-1pm: Lunch
1-5pm: SAT02 gaming slot
5-8pm: Dinner
8pm-Midnight: SAT 03 gaming slot
8:30am: doors open
9am-Noon: SUN01 gaming slot
Noon-1pm: lunch
1-4pm: SUN02 gaming slot
4-4:30pm: break
4:30-8:30pm: SUN03 gaming slot
See you in June!

Tony Tony
Mar 20

Registration for Go Play NW 2012 is now open, and we’ve already gotten our first batch of registrations. If you’re a Go Play NW veteran, you might have noticed that a few things are different this year. If you’re new to Go Play NW, you’re probably wondering “what do I do next?”
First of all, the best place to get started with your Go Play NW experience is the forums on this site. That’s where people will start talking about the games they’d like to play or facilitate. There’s a place to introduce yourself. Chime in and let us know who you are!
The Friday Night Feast is a growing Go Play NW tradition. On Friday night before the con, we’ll have a catered BBQ and a few hours of gaming. This year gaming and the feast are not separate ticket items. This greatly simplifies our management process and makes purchasing tickets simpler. You can always contact us if you need special arrangements.
We also have dorm rooms available on campus for con attendees. These are either single or shared rooms. You can request a roommate when you buy your tickets, or trust to the draw. If you don’t have a roommate in mind but don’t trust your luck, the forums are a good place to find a roommate before you buy your tickets.
Also this year, lunch at Seattle University’s Cherry Street Market café is included with the price of admission. If you’re rooming on campus, you’ll also get breakfast included. This is part of our deal with Seattle University. We hope that having a nearby common place for meals will help people maximize their gaming time and create opportunities to meet some of the other gamers somewhere other than around the gaming table.
As we get closer to Go Play NW time, we’ll talk about some other important topics, like how we do game sign-ups and ad-hoc gaming at the con.

Tony Tony
Mar 13

Go Play NW 2012 registration is now open! With a return to our original location at Seattle University, this is shaping up to be an amazing Go Play NW. We’ve got a few interesting changes this year.
First and most importantly, this year’s location once again includes on-site overnight accommodations in the Seattle University dorms. We’ve got a great price for this, so it’s a really good deal for both out-of-towners and locals as well. Check out the ticketing page, linked below, for details.
Second, as part of our deal with the University, lunch in Seattle University’s Cherry Street Market cafe is included in the price of admission for all attendees. And if you’re renting a room on campus for the con, you’ll also get breakfast at the cafe. We’ll have more details on the meals as we get closer to the date.
Finally, we’ll also be having an outdoor BBQ for the Friday Night Feast this year! To make ticketing and management simpler, Friday night gaming and the BBQ are included in one price.
Visit our registration page to purchase tickets.
Feel free to contact us with questions or comments at info at We look forward to seeing you from June 29th to July 1st at Seattle University!

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